Corporate Responsibility

Our sustainability approach

As a leading real estate company, we take action to promote the values underpinning our corporate responsibility practices: protecting environmental quality, strictly maintaining ethical business conduct, holding ourselves accountable to our stakeholders – our employees, our clients and our suppliers – contributing to the community and more.

During our long-range activities, we will continue striving to implement social and environmental values in our core strategy as an integral part of our activities and operations and our supply chain. We will also conduct ourselves with social responsibility, encourage our Company’s and employees’ community engagement, ensure equal opportunities, a safe, diverse and inclusive work environment and our employees’ well-being.

Our organizational approach to sustainability focuses on environmental quality and on investing heavily in reducing the environmental impacts of the buildings we own. In Canada, we received BOMA Best certifications for most of the buildings that we own. In Poland, we received LEED Gold certifications for most of the buildings that we own and, in Israel, we received Green Building certification according to the upgraded Israeli standard 5281.

Furthermore, we prioritize the core values of our Code of Ethics, which guides us during all of our activities. We also provide periodic training, including on topics of administrative enforcement, as part of our training and knowledge retention programs for our managers and employees.

We take action in all of our companies to promote corporate responsibility according to the nature of the activities in each country, and in conformity with the laws and regulations in each country. The corporate responsibility program that is currently underway is creating operating standards for all of our companies that are tailored for the specific activities in each country.

Adgar is constantly on the move on its corporate responsibility journey towards a better and more sustainable future. We are in the midst of a strategic process that represents a quantum leap in managing corporate responsibility in the Company. As part of this process, we appointed an external advisor to assimilate corporate responsibility in our organization, we performed a gap analysis in this regard and we prepared an orderly work plan according to the findings of the analysis, which will guide how Adgar Israel and Adgar companies abroad will operate in relation to corporate responsibility topics, according to the activities, market conditions and regulations in each country.

This strategic process will lead to enhanced and deeper corporate responsibility practices and will broaden our positive environmental and social impacts relating to material topics at the heart of our activities:

This is the first report that we are publishing as part of the process of advancing corporate responsibility and increasing our transparency in this regard. This report focuses on Adgar Israel’s corporate responsibility activities, and refers to the activities of all Adgar subsidiaries around the world. We are striving to constantly deepen our reporting on corporate responsibility topics in our company in Israel and subsidiaries abroad as an integral part of our business strategy and our risk management. As part of these efforts, we are planning to utilize our international operating platform in the coming years to integrate the know-how, tools and experience amassed in other countries in our business portfolio for the purposes of forming an international corporate responsibility forum and publishing a corporate responsibility report that will elaborate on the Company’s activities in all countries.

Advancing the UN’s SDGs in our activities

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are goals set by the UN in order to unite countries, businesses and social organizations to jointly overcome global economic, social and environmental challenges by 2030.

According to our holistic approach to corporate responsibility, we adopted the following SDGs and are advancing these goals as a significant and in-depth component of our activities:

Promoting good health, quality of life and well-being for our clients, in our buildings and for our employees. Our community outreach activities focus on good health.
We are advancing projects to reduce and streamline energy consumption in our buildings and to make them available to our clients, and we use innovative technologies to help reduce energy consumption at source. These important activities are also part of the Company’s strategy for reducing our carbon footprint.

Promoting economic growth through our business activities.
Promoting equal opportunity employment, equal and decent wages and employment terms to men and women.
Protecting our employees’ labor rights.
Ensuring a safe work environment for all of our employees.

We promote the use of innovative technologies in our real estate activities. These technologies streamline activities for our clients and help promote environmental quality.

Selecting land to construct buildings in major city centers with access to main traffic arteries and public transportation, and mixing office and commercial uses in our buildings.
Contributing to the community in the fields of healthcare and education, and developing a community outreach program for activities with the local communities in our operating regions, in conjunction with the Company’s employees.

As an income-generating real estate company, we consider responsible use of natural resources to be highly important. We invest considerably in this during the planning, construction and operation of buildings and promote reduced use of resources and reduced generation of waste.
We initiated a process of mapping the carbon footprint in all Adgar companies, and are advancing processes that will lead to a reduction in our carbon footprint, from the stage of decision-making to our various actions, while taking climate change into account.

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